In just one month we had a very significant advance in the services on the facade of the Temple of Solomon, which can be seen around the work.
Referring to the ventilated facade system, still placing the metal profiles, which are already almost the entire facade, while also advancing the service placing the stones from Israel. We currently have more than 5 square meters (m2) already installed, completely changing the aspect of the work.
As soon as the facade is completely done, we will be placing the stones from Israel in the 32 columns that are surrounding the Temple.
This week We also concluded the coverage of the nave, giving way for numerous other activities that start inside.
The objective of this blog is to keep you updated of the construction of the Temple of solomon.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Temple Of Solomon - Update - April 2013
Friday, 1 March 2013
Since the campaign to help build the Temple of Solomon has begun again, it is with great pleasure that I would like to share my testimony.
In December of 2011, I heard Bishop Macedo speaking about the Temple of Solomon and I was filled with an enormous desire to contribute.
Regardless of how chaotic my finances were at the time, I gladly donated. My businesses were nearly R$200,000 in debt (approximately US$100,000). The only money I had, which wasn’t fruit of these businesses – because at the time, I had not profited one cent from these businesses for over a year – was some money I inherited from my mother, which she divided between me and my siblings. It was about R$20,000 (approximately US$10,000). This would barely be enough to cover my expenses for next three months, and it wouldn’t resolve my problem, especially because my account was already running low.
This was when I made a decision and went to speak to Pastor AndrĂ©, who was the senior pastor of Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro at the time – and I gave everything I had. Actually, it wasn’t everything, because I kept about R$2,000 to pay some bills.
The point is that I challenged God, I put Him to the test, regardless of the joy and certainty that I felt when I decided to help The Temple. God had to manifest Himself. It was all or nothing, because R$20,000 wouldn’t even pay 10% of my debts. It was barely enough to pay my living expenses for two or three months.
I made my sacrifice. After that, Pastor André went to my business and determined that God would have to do something during the upcoming month. This was exactly on the 25th of December, 2011.
Bishop, I just remained waiting. I trusted and continued to do my part. It wasn’t easy because the devil psychologically bombarded me on the day I wrote that check. However, in January, a miracle happened. A lot of things happened all at once, but I’m not going to get into details about it here. All I only know is that in January the impossible happened. The eyes of very important people turned to us, in a succession of events that only God could have done. God changed one person after another, transforming what up until then was impossible; that is, things that had been tied up for years. For over a year I didn’t receive any money from my business, not to mention the debts that only kept increasing.
In February, which is historically the worst month of the year, the business sold more than in January, which is the second best month. Bishop, that didn’t happen to any other company in this area of Brazil. I am saying this because I am aware of the numbers, since we are talking about a large company in the food industry, with significant values.
I made a donation of R$20,000 for the Temple, which was all I had at the time, and God gave me back more than R$300,000 in just a little over a year. The debts are gone and the year of 2012 was very abundant, not to mention the court cases, which were tied up since 2004, were also closed last.
There is one more thing: I purchased an apartment that is worth around R$1.3 million for R$850,000, when I never even thought about buying an apartment before. In other words, more than just blessing me financially, God has opened my eyes to great things too.
Well, that’s it Bishop. I would like to share my testimony so that other people can also be blessed.
I’m grateful, mainly, to God, and for the help and guidance from all of you.
May God bless you abundantly, like He has been blessing me.
Paulo Grossi.
Source of data
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Isolation of TAGs
The project already has three tanks of cold water (TAG)
mounted with approximately 300,000 liters of water each.
To reach this point, water-tightness tests were performed
according to the Inspection and Testing Plan (PIT in
Portuguese) elaborated for the project, and in compliance
with the Brazilian Standards regulations. Furthermore, each
tank was checked by visual inspection and topographical
monitoring, being issued an accordance report for each 20% of
the filling of each tank.
The tests showed the solidity and the tightness of the tanks,
which are consistent with the design specifications. These,
of course, the result of a strict quality control, we had talked
about in the previous posts.
The next step was to start the thermal insulation of it. The
thermal insulation is a key point when it comes to the energy
efficiency of the air conditioning system, and also to prevent
condensation outside.
The engineering work had to find at an optimized point,
between cost and benefit of the material to be used,
considering the optimal density of the material, and the
thickness required to prevent the heat transference through
the walls of pipes and tanks. This is also the result of an
extensive study of laboratory and field tests.
Is valid to remember that, after isolation, the pillars will be
built of reinforced concrete around each tank, which will later
be coated also with stones from Israel.
Therefore, the insulation will be enclosed and its
implementation should be done flawlessly and definitive.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Innovation in the Construction Work
As we have talked about since the beginning of the work, we seek the modern technologies of the building trade industry to apply in the services and daily activities of the Temple of Solomon.

Another novelty is the installation of an electronic panel with the
countdown for the conclusion of the project - scheduled for May 2014.
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Night Vigil
Every year, the UCKG performs "Night Vigil", bringing many people to all Cenacles the of the Holy Spirit of the Country.
The Night vigil is intended to make us finish the year in the presence of God and start the next also in His presence, as explained Bishop Macedo.
At the turn of the year 2012 to 2013, we had, in the first minutes of the new year, prayers made by seven bishops, in the work of the Temple of Solomon, which was broadcast throughout Brazil by video conference.
Monday, 7 January 2013
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