The rain gave us a break in São Paulo, and this dry climate
condition favors even more the various activities that are being
developed in our work site. In this way, we could develop a very
good pace of work, so that we have already reached 36% of the
total project schedule.
An example of this action can be seen on the facade of the
Temple (pictured above), which is almost in its final height of 56
To achieve all this objective, the construction work has
professionals and consultants who are responsible for all the
monitoring, besides many other contributors that are no less
important, who also assist in this supervision of the work,
reaching already over a thousand, who work in various areas –
Like in the work site as in the businesses that need to
industrialize or adapt their products for posterior application
on the Temple.

These workers leave their homes very early, to devote
themselves in their own skills.
While others are developing their activities in the evening, so
the builder seeks ways to repay them with something else.
And for everything reported here, when doing monthly
measurements of the work that has being done, we can see the
progress of this great wonder moving forward.

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