This week was lifted the 5th scissors, missing only three to conclude the
coverage of the auditorium. This huge challenge can be demonstrated
in the dimensions of each piece, measuring 81 meters long and 7 meters
high, reaching weigh of 60 tons.
At the end of the scissors assembly, the gap between them will be
completed by specific pieces, which will provide support for the roof tiles
and the bracing pieces, which will be responsible for ensuring the lateral
stability of the scissors.
The thermo-acoustic tiles, an important sealing element, are composed
of steel plates, filled by layers of cement plate, rock wool and other
materials, specified carefully by the acoustic professionals.
Each profiled tile measures 40m long by 40cm wide, which will be joined
by the system of zipping tiles. This system is widely used for construction
of large spans of coverage to ensure perfect sealing of the entire area of
the auditorium (81m x 81m).