Some of the stones that will cover the Solomon's Temple has arrived in Brazil. Made in the quarry of Hebron, in Israel, the three rock types are stored in a shed in the neighborhood of Bras.
The process of extraction of stones was closely followed by team Engiurd, which recorded the time they were cut by backhoes, sawn into boards.
The first model, called Taltishe, which measures 25x50x3, widely used in most buildings in Jerusalem, will serve to cover the entire exterior of the temple, about 19 thousand square meters.
And to cover the internal floor, the model will be used Brushed Stone, size 80x80.

But the creative team responsible for this large building does not stop, a new model of stone, with golden color, called Jerusalem Gold, is being considered to cover the altar.
The forecast final delivery of all the stones to be used in the project must occur by May 2012, when will have a total of 39 thousand square meters
of stone from the Holy Land.
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